| ____________________ 1997 ____________________
Titre non renseigné (On the Edge of Innocence) aka : Na rubu nevinosti (CRO)
____________________ 1998 ____________________
The Faculty (The Faculty) aka : The Faculty (FRA)
____________________ 1999 ____________________
Intrusion (The Astronaut's Wife) aka : Intrusion (FRA)
Elle est trop bien (She's All That) aka : Elle est trop bien (FRA)
____________________ 2001 ____________________
How to Make a Monster (How to Make a Monster) aka : How to Make a Monster (FRA)
____________________ 2002 ____________________
Ghosts of Mars (Ghosts of Mars) aka : Ghosts of Mars (FRA) / Ghosts of Mars (NL) / Duhovi Marsa (CRO)
____________________ 2003 ____________________
Identity (Identity) aka : Identity (FRA) / Identity (NL)